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Because of embarrassments to the Obama Administration caused by the unseemly conduct of General Petraeus and possibly other officers of flag rank, new requirements have been imposed.

ZipperGate II

The scandal involving General Petraeus’ resignation due to marital infidelity, now referred to as “ZipperGate II” because President Clinton’s involvement with Monica Lewinsky was ZipperGate I, has shocked the nation and caused potentially grave harm to the Obama Administration. Far worse, it could still endanger President Obama’s personal standing with the public as well as his historically unique legacy. Indeed, it may even prove to be an unwelcome distraction from the administration’s own heroic efforts to focus public attention on its highly competent responses to the insignificant September 11th Benghazi bumps in the road while distracting voters from silly notions that better could have been done. Some might even begin to ask whether Mr. Ben Ghazi is a Christian or a…

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About geneb527

Retired, but still spending an inordinant amount of time thinking about all things big and small. I am proud to be a strong constitutional conservative. I am also proud to have been married over 56 years to my wonderful wife, Louise. I continue to be amazed that she has put up with me for such a long time, but have been happy that she decided to do so. "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not," warned Thomas Jefferson.
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