Bill Whittle — Barack Obama’s Hidden Past in 3 Videos

Clark GableBill Whittle makes more sense in these 3 videos which are the parts of Barack Obama’s Hidden Past than anything else I have read or seen. As a child he was brought up in a way that truly makes him what he is today. And that is A COMMUNIST! 

Video One

Video Two

Video Three

About geneb527

Retired, but still spending an inordinant amount of time thinking about all things big and small. I am proud to be a strong constitutional conservative. I am also proud to have been married over 56 years to my wonderful wife, Louise. I continue to be amazed that she has put up with me for such a long time, but have been happy that she decided to do so. "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not," warned Thomas Jefferson.
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2 Responses to Bill Whittle — Barack Obama’s Hidden Past in 3 Videos

  1. My favorite pundit for the past three years…
    Whittle is spectacular, smart and compelling.

    Thanks for posting, Gene.

  2. Rinda says:

    I think that Bill Wittle should run for president…

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